Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Lee Boys

Saturday May 30th
on the
West Stage!

The Lee Boys are a family affair that groove in lockstep together. They lay down a brand of music dubbed "Sacred Steel." Hailing from the House of God church in Perrine, Florida they consist of three brothers - Alvin Lee (guitar), Derrick Lee and Keith Lee (vocals) - with their three nephews, Roosevelt Collier (pedal steel guitar), Lil' Al Cordy Jr. (seven-string bass) and Earl Walker (drums). Alvin formed The Lee Boys with late brother Glen at around seven years old."When Glen died it threw me for a loop, and that inspired me to take this music out of the four walls of the church, share it with the world and spread it all over," says Big Alvin. "Our music is all about uplifting, feeling good and making people feel better about themselves."

Roosevelt Collier & Warren Haynes :: 06.05.08 :: NYC

Sacred Steel is feel good gospel music with a kick. If you don't feel inspired and uplifted by a Lee Boys jam sermon you better get your vitals taken. A Lee Boy's performance will leave you with a big smile and a happy heart after sharing in a truly special musical experience.

"Our mission is to touch people through our music," says Alvin Lee. "If we can touch just one person through our music our job is done."

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